Africa Bike Week 2017
Africa Bike Week™ is an annual event presented by Harley-Davidson® Africa and hosted by Buffalo City Metro. All motorcycle enthusiasts, riders, their families and friends from across South Africa and internationally are invited to attend the biggest free biker bash on the continent. In 2017 we are being welcomed to our new home – the quaint beach town of East London.
Expect great live entertainment, H-D® merchandise, Free Harley-Davidson®test rides, trade markets, a custom Bike Show where you can see spectacular bikes, a Mass Ride and much more. It’s also a great chance for H.O.G® members to meet and interact with other riders from across the globe.
A festival of music with top bands and live artists
View the latest Harley® motorcycles and Official Rally Merchandise
Free Demo rides are available each day. Don’t know how to ride? The Jump Start allows you to experience riding a Harley® without the worry of balance. Helmets are available for loan.
Experience the sound and spectacle as thousands of bikes ride through the streets of East London, or even better… get involved.
The Mass Ride takes place on Saturday 29 April 2017. Times and venue to be announced
Two hours, 4 hours and 5-hour pre-approved tours are being arranged by Adventure Focus